Sunday, December 14, 2008

Opening statements

been thinking about putting up a secret myspace or livejournal for sometime. finally getting around to it but on a different medium, on which i don't know anyone.
The reasons for a secret blog are pretty basic, and common, I'd imagine. I like the idea of tossing some ideas and words to the world, and seeing what the world has to say about it while at the same time knowing that I do not have to heavily edit myself with respects to those specific people i know will view my already existing profiles. It's a mixture of being way to shy and way to considerate, though i've yet to establish ratios for each. Probably more of the former, these days. I live among writers and so i get self conscious about my stylings, for one.
It's a little pathetic sounding, really, but i assure you i actually have a pretty big ego in real life (either that or I'm just plain concieted, but I prefer to think that everybody should see themselves as God, so if you read on and decide that yes, I am in fact horendously and unabashedly full of myself, I will happily accept your comments and take them as a sign that I may be doing an OK job of it). Philosophy aside (as if it ever can be), I must credit a good chunk of my very cheerful view of myself to the people i am currently feeling a little bad for hiding this blog from, who insist upon how awesome I am. And I hope also that all of you have the good fortune too meet such complimentary people in your own lives.
And i feel ok about starting my setences with "And". And I wave it in front of all my english teachers if you be reading (except for you Mrs. Lister, who taught me about creative liscence)
As you've noticed this is in fact the ramblings of a very bored-at-the-moment person who should be out wandering the snowy streets of their fair city and meeting interesting people, and seeing interesting things, and hopefully not paying any money for it. Add that to the list of things I may want to do: job hunt.
The job situation is not what it should be for a college educated jack-of-some-trades such as myself. Professionally, I'm begining to think I would have been better off skipping college in favor of bartending school, typing class, welding lessons and anything else which currently would make me far more of a commodity than a B.A. in Psychology.
Luckilly for that Ego of mine, however, I don't care to center my life around my professional desirability, nor do i prefer to classify myself as "commodity". I adore my education; hang the degree (something commonly done to degrees actually, but I think you get my meaning) and i highly recomend to all who have the means (and many who don't) to pursue your academic curiosities.
None the less, I do often wish i could get a nice job as a server in a decent resteraunt. It's a skill I've just never had despite all my other abilities in customer service. And considering how simply i prefer to live (at least in terms of spending), such a job would easily have me out of debt and living the good life in under a year.
Personally, though, I'd like a job in some community service related field. I used to be a conflict mediator, for example. Something like that would certainly have me eagerly rolling out of bed in the morning (or at least more eagerly than most jobs, i still despise waking regularly to an alarm on principal as I quite enjoy the majority of my dreams).
It's 4 o'clock by the way which incidentally is morning for me on some good days, but as i haven't gotten used to the change in light/dark hours, I feel like I've missed the day.
But who gives a shit, really, when your an unrepenting nightlifer. Might as well go enjoy the twilight (my favorite time of day). More writing when i feel like it.

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